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Visiting Taytay Tiangge: Tips and Facts

I've always been the type of person who don't spend too much loney for clothes. I'd rather spend my money for books or concert tickets than my clothes. That's why I am really fond of the places where I can buy clothes for half the price of branded ones and still a high quality items. Most of you might know Divisoria and Baclaran for this kind of places but I will introduce to you a place that is not as common as those two.

I've watched countless YouTube hauls of amazing yet affordable clothes from Taytay and you guys have probably heard of this TAYTAY TIANGGE at least once before.

I've visited Taytay Tiangge when we went to our cousin's house at Angono, Rizal last October 5. All the clothes or other fashion items there are truly wallet-friendly and you will see so many clothes for different purposes there but on my opinion I found the clothes there are mostly for the girls. I just bought and bought clothes there and just stopped when I get tired 'cause I really do enjoy that experience. With that, I'd like to share some things you might need and might be helpful for you when you go there.

1. Be updated for the weather condition. Taytay tiangge has a more relaxed atmosphere than Divisoria and Baclaran but the floor of this tiangge is not yet fully cement. It is not a yucky feel when going there on a rainy day but you need to know if the weather will be good for the whole day for you to not feel 'dyahe' while shopping.

2. Check the schedule of Taytay Tiangge. My cousin told me that they experienced going there and suprisingly know that the tiangge is closed. This tiangge has a unique schedule so be knowledgeable of their sched for your visit to be not a waste of time. While visiting that place,some vendors told us that the new stocks come in on Monday nights and Thursday nights. The tiangge also have different sched for this particular days--they are open on Monday evening until Tuesday morning and also open on Thursday evening until Friday morning. I advice you to visit this place on the said schedules to have more great choices but be ready 'cause this is also the day where people are in a really huge number.

3. Dress comfortably. Again this place is tiangge, the stalls here are built on make-shifts tents and the passage can be pretty narrow. Make sure that your outfit will be comfy for you to move easily even when you experience unusual things there like having a huge number of people visiting there and the place can get too hot also.

4. Don't forget your CASH. Unlike in other places, Taytay Tiangge has no stall that accepts credit cards. This place is a cash basis and while scouting this place, I also don't find nearby ATM machines so bring lot of cash specially when you are going to buy many items. Always be reminded to put your money well on a safe place if you bring a lot!

5. Bring your own eco-bag. Different stalls there will provide you plastics for the items you will buy but for me I find it very hassle to carry many plastic bags and risky that you might forget one of these. So I advice you to bring your own eco-bag not only for these reason but also for you to do your part on helping conserve our environment.

6. Make a specific budget for the visit. You might get too excited when you see wonderful and affordable clothes there that might also cause you to loss too much money. So I advice you to set a specific budget for you visit and try to just choose the most worthy items to buy that are also perfect for your budget. You can dress well at the same time you save money well.

Those are the things I have right now to recommend for you guys. I am now planning to bring my fab girls there to enjoy our squad shopping experience and we'll going to share that to you again fabulous girls. For now, I highly recommend this place for you not only for affordable yet quality products but also to support LOCALLY-MADE products. #SupportPHproducts


Fabulous Ecka ♡

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