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MIBF 2017: A Throwback Fab Feels

A greeting to our Fab Viewers who happens also to be a Fab Bibliophiles! Feeling of having your own bookshelf full of fabulous books written by our fab favourite writers is really overwhelming and heaven-like feels right? How about a throwback for a five-day in a year book fair which brings us self-fulfilling feels? 38th Manila International Book Fair (MIBF) happened on 13th-17th day of September 2017. This took place at first and second floors of the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City. It is not just a venue to buy and sell books. It is a haven for fab writers, fab readers and fab publishers to come together and celebrate their love of literature. If the lure of discounted bestsellers isn't enough, the MIBF this year also has book signings, meet-and-greets, arts and crafts workshops and demos, forums and talks on all sorts of book- and nonbook-related topics, storytelling sessions, book launches, games and contests, and many other activities. (, 2017)

Personally, I have heard of the event in the past few years but I never had a time to join. I really love books but THIS IS MY FIRST TIME TO JOIN THIS FAB EVENT. For real. I'm really disappointed to myself for not joining this event ghaaad I thought this event is only includes academic related books and publishers. Just one of my bookworm friend invited me to join this fab event but I ended up going on SMX with my lil sister, for some reasons. When I enter the convention center, it really was a heartwarming and self-fulfilling feels. My fab heart beats really fast like it was my first love and something made me feel the urge to hug and kiss all the books in front of me. Despite that extraordinary fab feels, I don't buy all the books that caught my attention 'cause before being in there, I pinned to my mind that I will only buy my fab favourite author --Lang Leav's books -- Love & Misadventures, Lullabies, Memories, and Universe of Us. Have a look to the last fab photo And yes, I bought them with a 20% discount at the stall of FULLYBOOKED. I'm really thankful for that 20% discount, without that I might not be able to buy Lang Leav's "Memories" for my money is not yet ready for this book shopping spree so it's a nah situation for me.

I have a lot of fab memories for experiencing this fab book fair. Specially, when I saw people pulling carts full of books on that fab place. It was envious huhu. Nah feels. I have to make bawi next year. So to our fab viewers, what are your fab moments in 38th Manila International Book Fair that you recall while reading this? I am glad to also know your thoughts. I hope you find this FAB and not a NAH. Who also have plans of coming on the next MIBF? Yay! See you fab viewers/ fab bibliophiles! I will really save money for this.

Final Verdict:


xoxo, Fabulous Ecka ♡

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